Now this is a concert that I am truly excited about...Lexus Presents Alicia Keys in her "As I Am Tour" at the 1st Mariner Arena on Sunday (6.15.08) at 7:30pm.

This is Alicia Keys you know that your only chance of getting last minute tickets is prolly on the radio (shout out to 92Q) so I strongly suggest that you look into this immediately.
If her show is anything like her albums, we are all in for a treat. I hope she performs "Wild Horses." (anyone remember that from her live album with Adam Levine of Maroon 5???)
I will definitely be there...prolly in the front row...singing out "I wont tell...I wont tell...I wont tell...your secrets..." (yes I do adlibs, ask about me!)
Tickets range from $73-98. Click here to get them. Enjoy!