Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Michelle Obama's Keynote Address at the Democratic Convention

In case you were under a rock last night, and missed Day 1 of the Democratic National Convention, let me just say you missed history!!! Michelle Obama's speech was simply amazing, and if you're looking for the definition of fab!, here it is:)

My heart smiled as I thought about my Nana (in heaven) watching this beautiful black woman giving the speech of her life on the world stage. A huge part of me wanted to shout, scream for joy, and run through the house thanking Jesus, but I kept my cool.

I ran through every important moment of my life and I couldn't recall ever having been so proud of someone or something. A black woman, a real black woman, was really on my television screen as the potential first lady of the United States of America.

She has given young black women (and all women) something more to aspire to in life. I can now say with confidence that there is nothing I can't do!

I am just soooooooooooo proud and flying so high today!

Yes We Can and Yes We Will!