Reviewed by Torrel
BmoreFab! Correspondent
Saturday, April 26, 2008So on Saturday, I took my first trip ever to Morgan State to attend the FAM Oasis Spring 08 Premiere Fashion Show (there's like a million names for this show but you get the point) and only got lost once (shout out to my navigation system for the hood tour). Me and my boys got there right before the show started and sat front row...RS Entertainment...good lookin' out yo.( NY'ers always look out for each other)
The fashion show was on point. I cant even front...cause when I first heard there was a fashion show at Morgan, I was a little skeptical (no offense, just being real). All in all, I was feeling the runway layout that allowed more front row seats, but I think had it been elevated people could have seen things better.While I can’t say I was impressed with the men’s clothes, I do know what NOT to wear the next time I go out, so thanks. The women’s clothes were worth checking out, or maybe it was just the women,(wink wink at shorty I was diggin' me). Regardless, there were some hot pieces in these collections.
My favorite shirt
More importantly my favorite model (call me)

What I
wont be wearing to the club next week
The show ended with Michael Knights fall collection which is “heavily influenced by shapes” according to Knight. His stuff just looked better than all the rest (check out the 2 pics below)