Can I just start off by saying that us "9-5" folks don't get a spring break?!? (Sorry I felt like I needed to get that off my chest...and now back to our regularly scheduled program)

Ladies free before 11pm. Sorry fellas, there's no mention of you, BUT there are saying there will be a Bikini Fashion Showcase so I'm thinkin' you'll prolly wanna be there anyway :)
One more thing...they are suggesting that you wear spring colors (cute for the ladies, but if the fellas are tryin' to get a girl, I would suggest you don't get too "springy")
Ok see you there... (if they let me in without college ID)
One more thing...they are suggesting that you wear spring colors (cute for the ladies, but if the fellas are tryin' to get a girl, I would suggest you don't get too "springy")
Ok see you there... (if they let me in without college ID)