Before I begin, let me just say that every single person (including myself) that has seen The Color Purple walked out of the theatre amazed...sooo...Bmore, it should be no different!

The Color Purple is coming to the Hippodrome at the France-Merrick Performing Arts Center (whewww...what a mouthful!). The curtain goes up on April 29th and goes down on May 19th.
Tickets will go fast and they range from $34-$75 (Dag, I should waited until it came to Bmore; tickets are usually muchhh more expensive)
If you're lucky, maybe Fantasia or Michelle Williams will pop up (maybe? yes? no? ok ok...I will let you know how it goes down)
Click here for tickets and the various show times.
"I've had to fight all my life..." Ok, I'm off to watch the movie now (lol)...